We had a bit of an Abbey Road moment capturing these photos, but the scenario perfectly highlights the benefits of heelguard (small gap) grates!
We recently manufactured and supplied 600mm clear opening heelguard trench for a busy intersection in Cecil Street, South Melbourne. The roundabout forms a junction between residential properties, community parks and local pubs and cafes, making it a thoroughfare for all manner of pedestrians at all hours of the day and night. Complicating the design was a history of damage from garbage trucks and buses.
Heelguard grates were the ideal solution, ensuring the area could be safely accessed by pedestrians, bikes, wheelchairs and even those wearing high heel shoes.

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R&S Grating designed a system of grating that not only provided a small gap of around 5mm, but was also class D (heavy duty) to ensure that when buses and trucks mounted the kerb there were no issues.
To ensure that the aesthetics of the popular intersection were maintained, R&S Grating meticulously rolled and welded curved bars to match the curvature of the intersection.

The result was four trench runs on all corners of the intersection that now allow sufficient drainage to the trenches while ensuring public safety and simultaneously providing a strong solution if large vehicles mount the kerbing.
If you’d like to learn more about this project, have a look at our publication in the Access Magazine (6mb download).